This is a free activity I was allowed to do in CATIA. The first thing that came to my mind was this church building in Las Vegas. I really wanted to make this with CATIA.
As the specification tree in CATIA shows, the geometry was not created well enough. It is just that the rough outlook of the building was created in 3D. There is no such thing as intelligence about it.
Let me tell you about some memory my family and I have about this church. My partner used to work for a restaurant that was pretty close to this place. Our little girl and I would wait for her inside the church building until she finished her work.
I still remember one day when we were praying together in three and we walked out the place before a Mass was about to start, when a priest came down to us at the door to say why not attend the Holy Mass. Mommy (I call my parner "mommy" just the same way as our girl calls her) and I said we had to go. We had to walk a long way back home. On the way, mommy was saying, "Why he had to stop us? There were plenny of peopo. Maybe we should've been there, so we might have heard a great message during the Mass. What if that priest was a person who only we could see? I don't feel like that was a real person." But our girl wanted to go on that day. It was becoming dark outside. - Don't laugh at what Mommy said that time about the priest. It was an everyday thing that we had to feel and talk about such an experience. We were very poor. Our girl was 6 or 7 at that time. I still remember the hot summer days in Las Vegas. On the way out there, I let her drink water every 10 minutes. I would take out a water bottle in my backpack. We poured water on our heads.
Most of the time, we couldn't even afford a bus fare. We still remember the day when mommy prepared oranges for us, so we shared them together, while walking along the Strip avenue in Las Vegas. We couldn't buy anything in most cases but stayed in Walgreen or something just to see things. It was a great time for all of us.
On the way back home, our girl was saying again and again, "Today was fun!!!" We really felt we were so happy. We didn't do anything expensive. Our biggest luxury was to go to a 99 cent store or Smith's or Albertson's. It was fun just to stick around, or walking along the streets together.
When I was on this CATIA course training in 2008, I had waited for a chance to create whatever I wanted, and there was a chance. I created that building shape on the computer with much enthusiasm. It was fun.
My business card (private one) has had this image on it.
A.B.Tsunezawa: Japanese-English Bilingual IT/CATIA (3D CAD) Specialist, Technical Translator
Also visit my Twitter page at!/abtsune/
Apr 6, 2008
CATIA V5: Created an Outlook of Guardian Angel Cathedral in Las Vegas

CATIA V5: PartDesign workbench #3 (Achievement Test)
I had an achievement test during the course period, and I was able to pass it. This is the one I created in CATIA.

CATIA V5: AssemblyDesign workbench
I entered the 2nd month of the CATIA course training, when I was expalined by an instructor that the AssemblyDesign is another work area CATIA V5 offers, where multiple PartDesign geometries are allowed to exist and managed. This workbench enables one PartDesign geometry to interact with another PartDesign geometry which is not possible to be done in the PartDesign workbench. The beauty of this workbench is that each part feature is able to join just like machine parts in order to make them move or turn according to the rules (constraints) you create.

Apr 5, 2008
CATIA V5: PartDesign workbench #2

CATIA V5: PartDesign workbench #1
"PartDesign workbench" is another work area besides the Sketcher workbench, where created 2D sketches are developed in order to become 3D features. That will be possible, for example, by selecting the [Pad] command (which is to extrude a sketch along a certain direction you define). Holes or ribs are also available to be created on the extruded feature.

CATIA V5: Sketcher workbench
The following are some sketches I created in the Sketcher workbench of CATIA V5. I was taking a three-month training when I captured these images. The Skecker workbench is the basic of everything which 3D geometries are created from. 3D features are able to be made by extruding these things.

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