*From my memo I was taking during my CATIA job training course in the Okinawa island, Japan
アセンブリ内で構成要素を移動するには Moving Components in an Assembly
A) Using the Compass
1. Place the Compass on the component
2. Move the component using the Compass
Put the cursor on the linear portion of the Compass, and move the cursor in order to move the
component horizontally or vertically. Planar areas of the compass can be selected to move the component along the planar portion you manipulate. Arc portions of the Compass can be selected to turn the component. The top of the Compass (green dot) can be selected to move the component based on the origin point of the Compass.
3. Resetting the Compass
After finishing manipulating the components, the Compass needs to be placed back to where it was.
a. From the menu bar, select View > Reset Compass.
b. Hold the Compass directly in 3D, and drag it to the axis image shown on the right-bottom
area of the screen.
c. Drag the component to the 3D background with the "Shift" key selected.
構成要素を数値を使って動かすには Moving Components with Numerical Values
After placing the Compass on the component, right-click on the Compass to select "Edit".
A dialog box will be displayed. The values shown as the "Position" is where the Compass's
handle is located. Move the component numerically in the dialog box, by the axis direction,
angle, increments, or measures.
アセンブリ・コマンドを使って構成要素を動かすには Moving Components Using Assembly Icon Commands
A) Use the "Manipulation" icon
B) Use the "Explode" icon
C) Use the "Snap" icon
アセンブリ拘束の作成 Create Assembly Constraints
1. Apply the "Fix Component" command to the one that will be the base component.
2. Use the Compass to roughly place other components, so constraints can be performed easily.
3. Apply Assembly constraint icon commands (e.g. Coincident, Contact, etc.)
4. Update the Assembly data to reflect the constraints you have made to the geometries.
A) Option Settings To Manually Update The Assembly Constraints
Go to Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > General (tab). Check "Manual" in the "Update" area.
B) 3D領域に表示されるマークについて Marks that will be displayed in 3D
Fix mark: Looks like an anchor. This mark indicates the component has been fixed with the "Fix Component" command.
Coincidence mark: Displayed with green circles, indicating the elements have been constrained
with the "Coincidence" command, by the axis, plane, or point.
Contact mark: Displayed with green square marks, indicating the elements have been constrained
with the "Contact" command, by the face or plane.
Offset mark: Displayed with linear arrow marks containing numerical values, indicating the
elements have been constrained with the "Offset Constraint" command.
Angle mark: Displayed with arched arrow marks containing numerical values, indicating the
elements have been constrained with the "Angle Constraint" command.
C) 作成した拘束に基づいて構成要素を動かすには Moving Components Based On The Created Constraints
There are 2 options to move components based on the constraints you have created.
1. Move the component using the Compass while the "Shift" key is pressed.
2. Use the "Manipulation" command, with the "With respect to constraints" option checked.
D) 複数の拘束を一度に作成するには Creating Multiple Constraints At A Time
1. Default mode: Used to create multiple constraints in a 1 versus 1 manner.
2. Stack mode: Used to create constraints between 1 element and multiple elements.
3. Chain mode: Used to create constraints such as between A and B, B and C, C and D, D and E (...)
E) アセンブリ内の構成要素を検証したい Studying Components in an Assembly
1. 測定 Measuring
2. 物理特性の確認 Confirming Physical Attributes
3. 最短距離の確認 Measuring Minimum Distances
4. 干渉の確認 Checking Clashes/Interferences
A) Use "Compute Clash" or "Clash".
B) "Compute Clash"
C) "Clash"
D) Export interference information into .txt file or .xml file.
Before exporting into a txt or xml, confirm the status by going to Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Assembly Design > DMU Clash - Process (tab). Check "XML Export for clash process purpose".
F) 干渉結果の表示 Display of Results for Clashes/Interferences
List by Conflict (tab) & List by Product (tab)
Configured "Sag" values can affect the clash/contact results. Circle (cylinder) geometry is tessellated (approximated) in the program. The smaller the sag value is, the more closer the created circle is to the real circle.
G) サグ値の設定 Configuring The Sag Value
Sag values can be configured by accessing Tools > Options > ...
セクション作成 Sectioning
A) Select the "Sectioning" icon.
B) Defining the section plane
C) Use the "Positioning" tab in the Sectioning definition box.
"Normal constraint": Move the section plane in the x, y, or z direction.
"Edit Position And Dimensions": Move the plane in the x, y, z direction by using numerical values.
"Geometrical Target": Select a face or edge of geometry to create a section plane that is
parallel to the selected element (face or edge).
"Invert Normal": The direction of the normal line to the plane will be inverted.
"Reset Position": Used to get back to the default condition.
ボリューム断面の作成 Creating a Volume Cut
Section can be created in the geometry area. Inside of the cut geometry can also be viewed.
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