柔アセンブリ Flexible Assembly
*From my memo I was taking during my CATIA job training course in the Okinawa island, Japan
柔アセンブリって何?What is a "Flexible Assembly"?
Flexible Assembly is the condition where components under the selected sub-assembly can be moved separately, even if the sub-assembly is not active. (Note: When a sub-assembly is NOT set to Flexible, its child components will all be treated as one entity.)
柔アセンブリを設定 Setting to the Flexible Assembly Condition
1. 設定 Settings
1) From the tree, select a sub-assembly you want to set to the Flexible Assembly condition. (Multi-selection is possible.)
2) Click on the "Flexible/Rigid Sub-Assembly" icon. The condition will be switched to Flexible Sub-Assembly. (Note: Purple gear on the spec tree icon indicates the component is a Flexible sub-assembly.)
2. 子の構成要素の配置を確認 Check how the child components can be manipulated
Use the "manipulation" icon to move components.
3. 柔アセンブリの相対位置を剛アセンブリに伝播 Propagate position to reference
Right-click on a Flexible sub-assembly.
**object > Propagate position to reference
==> The flexible sub-assembly condition will be Rigid.
4. 数値を多重定義 Setting Multiple Numerical Values
Changing parameters is possible when in Flexible condition
付記: 自分が沖縄(沖縄出身というわけではないのですが)でCATIA講習を受けた際にとっていたノートを元に、おおまかな知識を書き出してみたのだけれども、久しぶりに見直してみて、随分いろんなことを習ったものだと改めて思うに到り、中には今になって、なるほどそういうことだったか、と合点のいくものもあったりで、復習をしてみる意味においても、当時のメモやノートを掘り起こすのは悪くないかと思い、書いてみた次第です。