The original can be read at Aozora Bunko (青空文庫). - The copywrite has already been expired.
The reason I wanted to translate this piece (only a very small portion of it) into English is because:
1. Nobody didn't seem to have translated this work into English. (The words used in this book are a bit too old-fashioned.)
2. I thought it was a very impressive work written with accurate and concise expressions in the Japanese language. (I didn't think this book was interesting at all when I was younger, but it suddenly appeared so different around the time when I turned the age 40.)
3. I thought this work should long survive in the history of literature, as a reference documentation, since it should help understand how the intellectual people in the pre-modernized period in Japan used to think and behave.
4. This work brilliantly depicts the Japanese individuals' cultural mindset based on the traditional "family institution", which I thought should be a different perspective from the west.
[Now here's what I have translated selectively from the book.]
Chuusai was a person of very little self-indulgence. He hadn’t drunk alcohol at all, until he was transferred to a cold northern area for a one year duty to serve the former feudal lord, Nobuyuki when he acquired a habit of drinking. He didn’t smoke all his life. He didn’t hike, except he occasionally had a little trip to a mountain to take herbs. He liked visiting a theater often, but he made it a rule to watch it at the parquet circle with friends. He called these friends “Shuumo Shukuren,” meaning “I love the cheap.”
What was Chuusai’s expense consisted of? Perhaps there was nothing other than purchasing books and inviting guests. The Shibue was a family of doctors for generations. There were quite a few, among the books he owned, that had been handed over from his forefathers. But, as I look upon the books list in “Keiseki Hoshi,” I can imagine he didn’t hesitate to spend his money on books.
The first year of Kouka, three years after he composed this poem, he was appointed to an instructor at Seijukan. This Seijukan was a medical school founded in the second year of Meiwa by Gyokuchi Taki, which was located at the memorial site of Tenmondai in Sakuma Town. Three years later the owner eventually was transferred to the Shogun government. By the time when Chuusai was ordained to this position, Gyokuchi, his son Rankei, his grandson Keizan, and his great-grand son Ryuuhan had already passed away. His great-great-grand son Gyoko had succeeded the direction. Chuusai had been closely acquainted with Keizan’s second oldest son, Saitei, who had become independent of his original home in order work for this school.
It was a coincidence that I got to know of Chuusai. I resigned a medical school as a doctor to become a bureaucrat. I made it to be listed as a writer. Ever since I was young I loved to keep the journals. I wanted to know the facts and situations of the past during the Tokugawa Era. I wanted to obtain the source of writings. It occurred to me that I needed to study “Bukan”.
Whenever I meet with a friend, especially from the Tohoku region, I asked if he knew anything about “Shubuye” or “Chuusai.” I also sent a letter to a friend in Hirosaki city and asked about Chuusai Shibuye.
One day I met with Kinpuu Nagai to ask about Shibuye. He said, “If you are talking about Shibuye in Hirosaki, he is a book collector, as well as the author of ‘Keiseki Hoshi.’” Nagai-san, however, didn’t know if Shibuye used “Chuusai” as his first name. The name “Chuusai” does not appear in “Keiseki Hoshi.”
It was at this time when I heard the name Dojun the first time from Iida-san. This name was noted in the introduction of “Keiseki Hoshi.” However, Iida-san did not know if Dojun had used “Chuusai” for his pseudo name.
Even though I had met with someone who knew Dojun, I was unable to obtain information on Dojun’s descendants. With an unfortunate feeling I was going to take a leave, when Iida-san said to me, “Wait a minute. Let me ask my wife just in case.”
His wife entered the room. To the question if she knew anything about Dojun Shibue’s descendents she replied, “I know Dojun’s daughter. Katsuhisa Kineya is her name and she lives in Honjo Matsui-cho.”
I learned for the first time that the author of “Keiseki Hoshi,” Dojun Shibue had a child. Judging from her last name “Kineya”, she should be a teacher of Nagauta (long epic song).
A couple of days later I received a letter from Iida-san. He wrote Kineya-san had a nephew called Shuukichi Shibuye, who lives in Shimo Shibuya. This being said, this Kineya-san’s nephew should be Dojun’s grandson. Summing this up, Dojun had a daughter and grandson who are living now today.
I sent a letter to Shuukichi-san right away to ask him when and which place would be suitable to meet together if permitted. His reply came soon. He wrote he had been sick in bed but when he became better he could visit me. Judging from his handwriting he must be a young person.
Tonosaki-san’s answer was very straightforward. “Chuusai is a Dojun Shibuye’s pseudo name. He is the author of “Keiseki Hoshi.”
This all made sense to me.
Chuusai, Dojun Shibuye not only wrote “Keishi Shishu” or wrote inspected notes with much reading experience on medical books, but wrote essays based on what he had studied from his collections, such as “Kobukan” or an “Old Edo Map”.
Astonished by the series of coincidences, Tonosaki-san said to me, “I know who Chuusai’s child is.”
“Me, too. She is teaching a Nagauta, right?”
“No, that’s not who I know that person is. It’s a man called Tamotsu, who succeeded the heir of Chuusai.”
“I see. Tamotsu Shibuye is the one who is the heir to Chuusai. Where does he live now?”
“I’m not sure of where he lives now. It’s been a long while since I saw him last. But let me ask somebody who might know of that. There are some people from the same home town of his.”
I wanted to be clarified on the Chuusai’s footsteps with the help of Tonosaki-san. He mentioned a couple of things he had remembered. The Shibuyes’ ancestor had been hired by Nobumasa Tsugaru. Chuusai is a descendant from this person by some generations. He was born during the period of Bunka, and deceased during the Ansei period. In the Kaei period he had an audience with Iyeyoshi Tokugawa. The epitaph was chosen by one of his friends, Gyoson Kaiho. Tonosaki-san stated all this overview, and promised me to send excerpts on Chuusai from the books he had kept at hand. I confirmed Tonosaki-san would find where Tamotsu-san lived and prepare the excerpts before leaving the guest room of Shoryo Dormitory.
It was a cold day but was too early to install a fire stove. We sat face-to-face over the table with Tamotsu-san. We never got tired of talking about Chuusai.
The currently existing descendants from Chuusai are these siblings (Ktasuhisa-san and Tamotsu-san) and Shuukichi-san’s father (Osamu). They were born from the same mother, the fourth wife of Chuusai. She was from the Yamanouchis, and her name was Io.
Katsuhisa-san’s first name was “Kuga.” She was born in the fourth year of the Koka period, when Chuusai was 43 and Io 32. She will turn 72 in the fifth year of Taisho. Chuusai had moved to Honjo in the fourth year of Kaei. This explains Katsuhisa-san was in Kanda when she was born.
Osamu, the father of Shuukichi-san was born in Honjo in the first year of Ansei. Three years later, in the fourth year of Ansei Tamotsu-san was born. Chuusai was 53 and Io 42, while Katsuhisa-san was 11 and Osamu 4.
Chuusai passed away in the fifth year of Ansei at the 54. Tamotsu-san was only 2 years old at that time. It was fortunate of him to have heard about who Chuusai was from his mother, Io, who survived until the seventeenth year of Meiji when Tamotsu-san was 28.
The ancestry of the Shibuyes is traced back to the time when they were subordinates of the Ohtawara clan in the Shimotsuke region. The forefather counting six generations back from Chuusai was named Kozayemon Shinsho. He served the Ohtawara clan for two reigns during the time of Seikei and Seisou, and he died on July 2 in the first year of Shoutoku.
Shinshou’s legitimate son, Choukou inherited the house to serve Seisou Ohtawara and Sishou Ohtawara. His second oldest son, Shouchou became independent and served the Ohmura clan in the Bizen region. His third oldest, Shinsei served the Tsugaru clan in the Ohshu region, and his fourth, Shinkyou was a military scientist.
Tadashige was a talented, handsome, and capable man. In March of the seventh year of Anei, he was adopted by Saku Shibuye and was promised to be the successor. Nobuakira, two years older than him liked Tadashige so much. On February 18 in the fourth year of Tenmei, Todashige’s stepfather, Honkoh passed away at age 58. It was the same day when Nobuakira inherited the land. He had already been titled as local manager of the Tosa region. The lord was aged 23 and Tadashige 21.
There was a maid serving in the Tsugaru clan. Her name was Shuzuye. In later year she removed her hair to become a nun, and was called “Myouryouni”. This Myouryouni was said to have shared a funny episode when she had seen in the Tsugaru clan. She recalled when Tadashige had finished his meal and left, the maids would gather around there, stretching out their fingers into the plate Tadashige had used and ate the remaining. Myouryouni said she did that, too.
Tadashige, however, was a man of stoicism and didn’t seek women. He married his first wife, Tanaka on August 22 in the first year of Kansei, but she passed away without a child on April 13 of the next year. He then married his second wife, the daughter of Jousuke Kawasaki who had been fortuned seven ryo (ranked Nando-yaku) to take care of twelve subordinates, while having served the Masagoro Toda clan in the rank of Yoriai. They had a daughter, Itsu born in February of the fourth year but died when she was only three. The wife was divorced by him in the following year. He married his last wife, Nui, who was a sister of Chuuji Iwata, a subordinate of Hotta Sakagami Sagami, who was the lord of the Sakura area in Shimousanokuni. This wife will be the mother of Chuusai. Tadashige was 32 years old and Nui 21.
1. この作品を英訳した人がいなさそうなため。(使っている言葉がやや古めかしい。)
2. 日本語によって正確かつ簡略な表現をとっている点が印象深いため。(私自身、若い時分この作品を全然面白いと思わなかったが、40歳あたりになってから突如考えが変わった。)
3. この作品が現代以前の日本の知識人の考えや行動をい知るうえで、また、参考文献としての価値の点からも、残されるべき作品だと思うため。
4. 西洋とは異なる伝統的「家制度」に基づく日本人のマインドセットをこの作品が素晴らしくよく描出していると思うため。