May 23, 2014

AssemblyDesign (5) - Enhanced Scenes CATIA アセンブリデザイン基礎 (5)

シーン(Enhanced Scenes)について
土曜の朝は 静かで良い
*From my memo I was taking during my CATIA job training course in the Okinawa island, Japan

シーンについて About Enhanced Scenes

シーンって何? What is an "Enhanced Scene"?
"Enhanced Scene" is a functionality in an Assembly data that enables you to work on an alternative state of a product. This command allows you to explode assembled parts and keep both conditions (assembled and exploded conditions).

シーンを作成  Creating Enhanced Scenes
1. Click on the "Enhanced Scene" icon.
2. Select the "Automatic naming" check box.
3. Check "Overload Mode" and click OK.
==> The background will be displayed in green. This means you are now in the "Scene" mode.
4. In the Scene, change the parts location using commands such as "Explode".
5. When the work is finished, click on the "Exit Scene" icon to exit the Scene mode.
==> The background is now displayed your default color.
==> Makes sure the Scene information is created in the tree (named such as Scene.1, etc.)

シーンを編集  Editing Enhanced Scenes
1. Entering Scenes
(A) From the spec tree
Double-click on "Scene.xx"
==> You will enter the Scene to allow you to modify it.
(B) From Scene browser
Click on the "Scene Browser" icon.
Double-click on the Scene you would like to modify in the browser.
==> You will enter the Scene to allow you to modify it.

(*Note: This option is available only when "Activate an Enhanced Scene" is checked, which is accessible from the "Customize" button in the "Scene Browser" window.)

2. Deleting Scenes
Scenes can be deleted in the spec tree.

1. シーン内での設定について  Settings for Enhanced Scenes
Available setting options for Scenes are the following. (Note: The information here will not be affected on the Assenbly data.)
- Location of components
- Show/Hide status of components
- Colors of components (Graphic properties)
- Activate/Deactivate status of components

2. 属性の修正   Modifying the Attributes
==> Modify the location of the parts and go back to the assembly. Make sure the assmebly is not affected by the scene.

3. 視点の修正   Modifying the View Point
Use the "Save Viewpoint" command. (Camera image icon)
==> Exit the scene and make sure the assmebly is not affected by the scene.

4. アセンブリへのシーン適用  Applying an Enhanced Scene to an Assembly

Use the "Apply Scene on Assembly" command.
==> The "Apply" window will be displayed. In the Product Selection list, the attributes that are changed will be indicated with "x". Select components you want to apply the attributes to the assembly data. In the right side column ("Attribute management" column), select attribute check boxes you want to apply to assembly. (Make sure the "x" mark will be changed to Applied.)
- Now, repeat this process on other components you want to apply the attribute changes into the assembly. - When finished, click on the OK button. Exit the Scene, and confirm the changes you
made to the assembly.

5. シーンへのアセンブリ適用   Applying an Assembly to an Enhanced Scene
Use the "Apply Assembly on Scene" command.

6. "多重定義モード"について  About "Overload Mode"
"Overload" is meant to be the situation where Assembly and Scene have different attribute information respectively.

Reference I
Two (2) oprtions for "Overload".
Partial: Overloaded partially. File size is smaller compared to the condition when "Full" is seleted.
Full: All attributes are overloaded.

Reference II
The "Overloaded Positions" icon can be used only when "Partial" is selected for the "Overload".

7. シーンを図面に落とす  Creating Drawing views from Enhanced Scenes
Exploded conditions of assembly data can be output into a Drawing.

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