Feb 13, 2010

[Why Recited Poems at the Imperial Palace Cannot be Translated?] なぜ歌会始の歌は英訳できないのか

Writing about seasons can be a great deal of fun because I feel I am part of the nature. Take Haiku poem (俳句) for example, which is comprised of 5-7-5 syllable patterns. Haiku is supposed to have one seasonal word in it. There are even books on seasonal terms for a reference , and it is fun just to read those books. When you start composing Haiku, you may feel it is a great refreshment for your mind.

This type of poem has a limitation of length. It should be very short but needs to depict something impressive and let go of readers' imagination. There are a few impressive scenes I wrote in my own book after getting a hint from one Haiku or two, where a little boy was with his big sister scooping goldfish in a summer festival of Japan.

There is another scene where an adult guy walks along a narrow backstreet, and some old lady is spreading water out with her own hands. This should have been a common view of summer in Japan, which is meant to prevent dust to blow off, or to make the place look cooler. People do it especially in front of a house, a narrow path, or a sidewalk.

There is also a description about a flower that is inside a water-filled goldfish bowl, while children are playing at a summer festival venue. Kids gather around a goldfish scooping stall, holding a water resolvable cup.

Haiku of winter is attractive, too. Winter can call a lot of imagination just like summer does. For example, "scattering roasted beans" doesn't mean just to scatter something. It is a traditional event in February, where family members scatter tiny roasted beans at home in order to drive evil spirit away. After finishing this, you will pick up the scattered beans and eat them. But the number of beans to pick up and eat should be the same as your age.

For those who have done all this in childhood should get a lot of imagination and memories when hearing about "scattering beans". Many might recall when he or she had a fight with a brother or sister over beans. Others might remember that a bean was found long after the event at the back of furniture, and it could be an occasion where someone in the family died and they were setting up a funeral ceremony when they moved the furniture.

When you think about it, "scattering roasted beans" means a lot more than it appears to be. There were more annual events taking place in Japan. That makes Haiku become meaningful and appealing, although it is extremely short.

The same thing is true with waka (tanka) poems (和歌、短歌), which are comprised of 5-7-5-7-7 syllable patterns. Every new year, there is "utakai hajime" at the Imperial Court, where civilians, emperor, emperess, and the families of the emperor present waka poems. I had a chance to look at the English translation of the pieces the other day, and the translation seemed to be far less than the original.

"Why these great waka poems cannot be translated into English?"
I was thinking about it, until I came to a conclusion that this type of poem does not necessarily require many things to say in words. Waka poem is meant to share the memory the people who are present have in common, so one symbolic word to exhibit can be just fine.










Feb 9, 2010

[J.D.Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"] ライ麦畑で捕まえて』

Salinger, the author of "The Catcher in the Rye" and "Nine Stories" died at the age 91 on January 27.

I was feeling close to Salinger's works when I was a college student. I was in my early twenties. Although I have a family now today and I cannot spare time to read as many books as I used to, I was such a big reader in those days. I read Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" again and again, until the book had good thumb prints. I was carrying that book no matter where I went. I think I was trying to do away with my stress I had.

Now let me write out my most favorite authors at that time: Haruki Murakami, Jun-nosuke Yoshiyuki, Kenji Nakagami, Yukio Mishima, Naoya Shiga, Jun-ichiro Tanizaki, Motojiro Kajii, Osamu Dazai, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Soseki Natsume, and so on. I used to visit the nearest library so often to read all these great authors’ works, and I still remember it was such a great time for me. What a joy and blissful moment that was to stay there so long and read wonderful books. I let my imagination grow. It was a great luxury.

Back to the topic of Salinger, “The Catcher in the Rye” is still like my best friend. Bitter sweet one at that. For those of you who read that book would have thought that the narrator thinks and acts quite childishly. It is far from making you feel “elevated.” If you have a little kid, you would not let him/her read this book because there are bad words here and there, and that's what's happening in my house.

Is that a vulgar and bad book? – Not at all. It’s opposite. It’s friendly, painful and charming, and it’s even witty and ironical, too.

I was reading some of the reviews at amazon.co.jp and I found that there were some people that said they didn’t really understand it, or they couldn’t get absorbed into it, while other were so passionate to tell how great a book that was. It’s an interesting phenomenon because the opinion gets split into two extremes. The same reaction can be seen at reviews on Yukio Mishima’s “The Golden Pavilion (金閣寺).” Some people (including me) will be so shocked by the author’s great skills of depicting the twisted and obsessed inner self. They have something in common in that the both books are leading the reader to two extremes. Some really don’t feel anything about Mishima’s “The Golden Pavilion.”
I could imagine the author of “The Catcher in the Rye” must have tried to write about the inside himself (even his ugly or embarrassing part of his thoughts or feelings). If that’s so, then there is no wonder that there are two different groups of people – those who madly love it and those who don’t like that at all.

It is just like there are two different cultures. I am pretty sure that even if you explain about how great a book that is for hundreds of millions of times, those who don’t understand the book should not get what you were saying. I am not saying which side is good or bad. I’m talking about what is happening over a single book or anything of the sort.

Really, the Japanese translation by Mr. Takashi Nozaki is awesome. Even some other writers imitate the Japanese title “Rai mugi batake de tsukamaete.” I have seen similar book titles.

Mr. Nozaki’s translation is so amazing. I even think that the original work's spirit went into the translator's mind. I have heard about Yazawa Eikichi fans sometimes copy how he talks, but I think same thing will happen to those who madly love that book.

I’m not going to write about what the book is written about but I like that so much. I recommend that if you became interested in the book. You can be Halden Caulfield if you can’t stand phony stuffs in human community or society and if you think you are young and rebellious. Some girls might think you are “So cute!” and you might become popular among girls.

"The Catcher in the Rye"や"Nine Stories"等で知られる米国人作家J.D.Salingerが1月27日に亡くなりました。享年91歳。

私がサリンジャーの作品に最も親しかったのは大学生の頃で、当時二十代前半の学生でした。今では仕事や家のことに追われ、小説を読むことはめっきり少なくなったのですけれども、あの当時の私は小説ばかり読んでいて、サリンジャーの"The Catcher in the Rye"は私の最も繰り返して読んだ作品でした。本は手垢がつくほど読んでいたのを思い出します。作品を読むことでストレス発散も兼ねていたのでしょうか。


それにしてもThe Catcher in the Ryeは今でも身近に感じてしまう本です。読んだことのある人なら分かるとおり、そんなに高尚な語り口ではありません。小学生ぐらいのお子さんをお持ちの方でしたら、Bad wordがたくさんあるということで読ませないようにと考えることと思います。(我が家がまさにそうなのですが・・・。)






Feb 2, 2010

[Society with No Connections : Deaths of Isolated Individuals] 無縁社会~“無縁死” 3万2千人の衝撃~

NHK program on Jan 31, 2010 (9:00 p.m.- 9:58 p.m.)

Society with No Connections
"Deaths of Isolated Individuals" - 32,000 people died this way

I watched this NHK program this week which was on deaths of individuals, the names and ages of which are unable to be identified.

First of all, there is statistics that over 30,000 people have committed suicide a year in Japan, which has kept the same pace for the past twelve years. And apart from that, for these couple of years, the number of people who are found dead are rapidly increasing with their names and ages unidentified. An NHK survey reports that 32,000 people ended their lives that way in 2008. The deaths are due to suicide or any disease, and there is no way to find the person's family or relative to take care of his or her death. There was a time in this country, the program says, that an each individual was strongly connected to another; such as family, relatives or community; which was a noticeable background of this country's culture. Not only this human bondage has become weaker but also even the employment system has become unstable, which created this phenomenon, the NHK program says.

An increasing number of companies or NPOs has emerged for these 2 or 3 years to take an overall process of the dead, including cleanup of rooms and burying of bones. The demand for the services is even increasing for people who are worried about after he or she died.

There is the man who the TV grogram focused on:
He was found dead in his apartment in Tokyo, and he was documented as the name unknown and the age estimated as 60 - 80. He died when he was watching television. The NHK crews tried to find where he was working at. From the his apartment contract, his name and his former workplace was known. He was working for a food center for 20 years, but since his retirement he became isolated. His resume was found in his former company and it turned out that he was from Akita prefecture. One of his old co-workers said he looked sad always and guessed that he might have wanted to get back to his hometown. So the reason why he was out of town for a long time should have been for work. The crew went to his old address when he was born but the place was no longer his family’s property but a building of commercial purposes. His parents had passed away already. - This was the first person to be introduced.

After that, two persons answered the NHK interviews, who had to say something about his/her own situation.

One was a man who used to work for a huge and famous company. He recollects that he was so busy that he used to come back home early in the morning everyday, until he was caught by disease and divorced his wife. His two children left him with their mother. He lives by himself and seems to have everyday things quite well enough, but he said he was worried about the time he died. He cries hard when talking about when he saw a family during a trip, which was mediocre but looked quiet and beautiful.

Another person was an old female who lives by herself in an apartment. She used to a nurse until her retirement. She didn’t have a chance to marry because she had to take care of her parents until they passed away. She looks very healthy and speaks with great intelligence. Everything looks very organized in her room – even in the refrigerator. But she says she is worried about the time she died and says she even cries about not being connected with anyone.

What a sad phenomenon. This is what’s happening, and this can happen to anyone.

So many things have become greatly advanced. Science, technology, customer services... each one is excellent but why does this all happen that a person dies alone with no one to take care of him or her? And no one can tell who the person was.
I am thinking this way: relationships are underestimated while each technology field is deepened and narrowed, and this is even true with people. Each individual became more self-seeking, but mutual connections turned a lot weaker.

So what are the antidotes? -- Getting back to an old time of history (like 100 years ago) to be more group oriented? Or create such jobs that will monitor an individual at a data center or something? (I know I am getting to extremes.) Or is it another new jobs or social systems that might work for that?

I don’t really have a good idea. But at least this TV program gave me an opportunity to think more deeply about it.

I realize an importance of working as a medium to connect one with other. I personally think it is even true whether it be for individuals or social stuffs. In order to be a good instrument to work for that, I ask myself, what specific skills or quality should be necessary? I don’t think it is a simple thing to do but I think that it is worth pondering. This is what I started to think about after I watched this program.

NHK 2010年1月31日(日) 9:00 p.m.- 9:58 p.m.

~“無縁死” 3万2千人の衝撃~












