Jun 7, 2014

Knowledgeware (1) - Knowledgeware Overview ナレッジ概要

CATIA V5 - Knowledgeware Overview (ナレッジ概要)

*From my memo I was taking during my CATIA job training course in the Okinawa island, Ja

ナレッジ機能使用の目的 Purposes of using the Knowledgeware functionality:
1. Shorten the lead time while increase the output quality
2. Standardize the engineering process

3D設計における問題例 Actual Issues concerning 3D engineering
1. The same parts/components will be designed with different approaches, depending on each modeler.
2. Other modelers/engineers will newly create the same component.
3. Information on the specifications/design intentions may not be shared fully.
4. All of the requirements may not be followed.
5. Engineering know-how cannot be shared with other engineers.
6. It may have to take much time for meetings to discuss the engineering process.

テンプレートとは? What is a "Template"?
Template is a set of elements, features, formulas, rules, etc that are designed to realize engineering processes or rules by performing repetitive pattern of work automatically.

CATIA V5 ナレッジ製品 Knowledgeware Products in CATIA V5
A) CATIA Basic Functions
Basically parameters, relations, formula, design table, etc can be created in GSD, PartDesign, or AssemblyDesign workbench. However, in order to use further Knowledgeware functions you need to go to the workbenches below.

B) CATIA "Knowledge Advisor"
Rules or conditions can be added to parameters using the Rule or Check functionality in this workbench. This enables you to store know-hows and re-use them.

C) CATIA "Knowledge Expert"
Rule bases (databases that enables you to create/share the company standards or project standards for features) are available.

D) CATIA "Product Engineering Optimizer"
Engineering optimization functionality is available.
1. 構想設計 Engineering studies
Study parts layout and kinematics using wireframes
Modify the positioning

2. テンプレート作成 Creating templates
Cretae templates
Add templates to catalog
(Note: Create templates by the assembly, and add to catalog.)

3. テンプレート適用による流用設計 Engineering by re-using templates
I) Pull up templates from catalog
==> Specify reference elements (e.g. clamp points, base planes) to locate geometries, by modifying the shapes.
==> This makes it possible to utilize existing designing processes, without having to build geometries from scratch in CATIA.
II) Replace workpieces
It is possible to display a message when the replaced geometry doesn't meet the specific enginnering requirements, granted "Check" features are prepared for that.

4. 最適化 Optimization
Perform an automatic computation for optimization.
Use the "Optimization" command in the Product Engineering Optimizer workbench.

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