One of the biggest characteristics about Japanese engineers is their teamwork. From 2008 to 2009, I had a privilege to work with plastic molding designers at a major automobile parts manufacturer in Gunma, Japan; and it was such a great experience for me. What I found out there was a good old Japanese teamwork, which was not American at all. There's an old saying in Japan that goes something like "We all share a single jar of rice to eat" (onaji kama-no meshi o taberu), which makes the group be like a family. One you have that kind of team, there's no need to have a regulation sort of thing. Imagine there is a father and son who don't talk much but pretty much understand each other by sharing hardships of life. That's a typical good old Japanese teamwork that was seen everywhere in this country until maybe 1970s or so. And this still remains in those guys at Gunma-ken as far as I could see. It's really great.
I am pretty sure that this Japanese teamwork made Japanese manufacturers successful after the World War II. Lots of people would imagine that as far as you work for technology, you have to stand on reason all the time. It might be true but not always. On the personal level, this good old we-all-share-a-single-jar-of-rice culture must have been a major factor to bring them to the highest quality of their work. And I personally think it still works. I am so proud that I could work with the people who still have this wonderful culture. I truly believe they are first-rate engineers, and I really had a great time out there at JCF not only because I could learn about CATIA but also I could see those great plastic mold designers who had worked together in the last project.
JCFというのは2日かけて行なうCATIA(3D CAD)業界の大規模な催しです。今回私はこのJCF2009に2日間出席いたしました。1日目はCATIAや設計等の分野で活躍されている方々の話を聞くという内容で、私のような何でも学ばねばならない者にとっては大変有意義なものでした。非常に刺激的で、面白く、そのあいだ私は決して疲れたり退屈したりしませんでした。個人的には通訳の方々の仕事ぶりにとても興味を持った次第です。イヤホンを通じていかに優秀な方々かを窺うことができました。
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