I normally leave home at 6:02 am to catch the bus. I then take the trains to get to my workplace in Tokyo. I am having this early time schedule just because I want to avoid getting involved with the super crowded train a little later. I have never got used to it and I don't think I will. It's more than just being crowded.
I take 3 different trains. The toughest is the second one, which is already crowded when I get in. It's 6:33 a.m. I then say to myself, "It's much better than when I'm here 30 minutes later." - This time, I am not going to write about how stressful it is being on the trains in Japan. I'm sure it'd be a like a huge human drama or history documentation of the century. I am serious. You would agree with me if you have ever taken a train in/around Tokyo during the rush hours.
What I want to write today is about my review on the economy. I'll be doing that from my point of view. I see a bridge from inside the morning train. It is 6:30 a.m. and there are vehicles running on that bridge to cross a river.
I started watching this since one year ago or so. It was July or August 2008. I was working with a project on a mold designing with CATIA V5. I remember I saw that bridge and spoke to my parner who were with me on the same train. "Look at that. Gosh, it's already crowded even though it's still 6:30." - And that condition remained until around the time of Lehman Brother's bankruptcy.
In March 2009, I saw that cross bridge once again to find the number of vehicles on that had been decreased. It was about half the number I had seen in 2008. In the previous year it was like a traffic jam. Cars are running smoothly. It was a great shock to me. Then I thought that this change is really reflected on by the current economy.
I started watching it a bit more closely. What sort of vehicles have been decreased? Would that be only about trucks? I have come up with the following result:
1. Almost all the running vehicles are standard-sized cars. (Not commercial use cars.)
2. Almost no trucks are running on the bridge.
The worst time when the number drastically dropped was March or April 2009, and it has become a little better now as of September 2009.
But wait, I say to myself. It is not always the same. For example, more trucks are running on Monday, but there are none on Tuesday. It is like this March or April. On Wendnesday, there are none also. Thursday, none. Friday, I see some trucks.
What kind of trucks are they? There are two kinds (roughly). One is a long distance transportation truck. The other is a little truck to work at a local construction site.
So my review on the current economy is:
1. It can be better sometimes. But it doesn't continue.
2. When there is a bad day, the level drops down to the state of March or April 2009.
3. #1 & #2 above take place back and forth.
I'm not a economist. I'm just a humble CATIA engineer who has been out of that software application for half a year. So do not take it seriously. I am doing it because I like doing it. - But I think it is a good trial because I'm seeing things with my own eyes, instead of websites or newspaper or television news.
2009年3月、私はやはりいつものようにその橋の前を電車で通ったのでしたが、交通量は激減していました。だいたい半分ぐらいに減ったでしょうか。以前は慢性的に渋滞していたのですが、この時になると、ガラガラで、実にスムーズに車は流れ、さびしいほどに変化していました。驚くべきこと、と私は感じました。 「これは景気悪化の写し鏡」と私は受け取ったためです。
こういう観察をしていて、今のところ最悪の(交通量の少ない)時期は、あの鉄橋に限り、2009年3月か4月ごろです。そして、2009年9月現在は、少し交通量は増えたような感じがします。 ん、でも待てよ。どうも楽観はできないみたいようです。というのも、「トラックの数が増えたな」と思った次の日には、また交通量が減って、まるで3月4月のような状態に戻ることもあったからです。たとえば、月曜日はあの鉄橋に活気があったとする。でも火曜日は、閑散。水曜日も、閑散。木曜日も同様。そして、金曜日になって、ちらほらトラックの往来が見える、と言った具合です。
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