A.B.Tsunezawa: Japanese-English Bilingual IT/CATIA (3D CAD) Specialist, Technical Translator
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Aug 29, 2010
[An IT Guy Translates "One Thousand Years of Fun Things" ] 中上健次『千年の愉楽』の英訳
Kenji Nakagami has been one of the heros to me when I think about the Japanese literature. His stories are so attractive just like Tono Monogatari(遠野物語) or Kenji Miyazawa's short stories. His story telling reminds me of old men or women who told me stories about when they were younger. I was the type of the child who liked to sit and hear stories from elderly people.
The day was dawning when Nanny Oryu woke up by the sweat smell of cotton rose hibiscus that suddenly entered her nostrils. The smell must have come from the back of the house, and she thought it was hard to breathe. Then she gave a glimpse of the framed portrait of Ren'nyo that was placed on the little table right beside the Buddhist altar. Looking at that dimly shining picture in the darkness, she thought it was like a perfect dream that she was married to this man. This Ren'nyo was one holy Buddha for her. Having laid her body still, she folded her arms and whispered, "Thank you... so much." It was a voice that didn't become. Then, once again, she smelled the cotton rose hibiscus that came into her house from outside. This reminded her that there was a time when she was still a young lady, attracting guys around her like the flower pollen. This idea was good to let her smile to herself.
A day has dawned and there was a bird's singing at the back yard bushes. It sounded just like when shamisen gave out a sharp and strong note. She doesn't remember who said it but she heard that it is a gold colored bird that keeps singing. It comes all the way down here to suck the honey of the cotton rose hibiscuses that bloom in the mountain of the district. Nanny Oryu thinks she is luckier than anyone else for having this opportunity that she has lived here in the district. Her place is located at the foot of the mountain. The cotton rose hibiscus starts blooming with the sunset and it ends up its life the next morning. There is only one night to live. She feels like asking the bird. “Do you miss the night because it was like a happy dream, or are you happy with the bright sunrise?” Nanny Oryu was no longer able to get up from the bed despite not being sick. But she believed that the voice of the gold colored bird must be a tenko, a family of nightingale, which Hanzo used to keep. She imagines that Hanzo comes back around here every summer to let go of his beloved bird in the bushes behind her house. She thinks he does that, so she would be able to enjoy the bird’s singing.
Her husband Renryo left his family to be a Buddhist monk in Kyoto when he had suddenly quit his work as a shoe maker. He did that although he had finally learned the skill after a long time of working as a trainee. This all happened one year after they had lost their three-year-old son when he turned over the boiling rice gruel on himself to get terribly burned. It must be that Nanny Oryu was twenty three years old at that time when she became the only one midwife in the district. She'd dealt with almost all of the babies of the district ever since. This Hanzo was one of them. Nanny Oryu, with her body still laid on futon, is hearing when chickens and fighting cocks make a noise as if counting the time. She is also hearing little kids’ voices sounding from across the house shutters of the neighbors. She looks like she was still half asleep, when her eyes get sight of Hanzo and says, “Y’know, Hanzo. I’m the first one to hold you when you were born.” Hanzo makes a shy and uneasy face. Then he smiles so openly as to show his shiny white teeth and says, “You never stop saying that.” He pretends speaking ill words but Nanny Oryu continues, “Oh yeah, I never stop that. I am the first one. It's not even your mom you showed up from. - But I am very old now, my dear. That's why you let me hear the tenko's voice like that.”
Hanzo’s family name was Nakamoto. It was a relative of Ren’nyo, Nanny Oryu’s late husband; and it was also a cousin of Katsu-ichiro and Gen, who were later adopted to the Nishimura family. Hiko-no-suke Nakamoto was Hanzo’s father, who was born from Tatsu as the father and Namino the mother. Hiko-no-suke’s younger brother was Kikudou, who later became the father of Gen. Tatsu and Namino had two children but they divorced. And then, Tatsu begot one girl between Masae Taguchi. Hiko-no-suke matched with a girl to become the father of Hanzo, but then he ran away to Tanabe City with some widow. A rumor came to the district one day that they had got three kids. Hanzo’s mother was from Arima, and she was, like most of the girls of this place, had too much desire to control herself. Hiko-no-suke’s younger brother (Kikudou) begot Gen, which made her think that she no longer wanted to be involved with the Nakamotos, saying that the whole family was rotten on the blood level. It was when Hanzo was ten years old that she ran away with a guy who came to the district to introduce some jobs of cotton-mill. Hanzo, even though his both parents had abandoned him, never let anybody notice he had this unhappy background. Maybe it was because of a DNA of the Nakamotos. Hanzo grew up to become one of the coolest young men in the district, and by the age nineteen he had already become a boss of construction work to manage some three guys.

Aug 21, 2010
Beautiful Haiku of Summer [うつくしい夏の俳句]

I went to the library yesterday to borrow a book on the haiku's seasonal terms. I was especially fascinated by the seasonal terms of summer and that's why I wanted to translate & introduce some of the things I thought were impressive. Hope you enjoy them. If there is any advice on my translation, please let me know by e-mail or telephone. Or just speak to me directly.
I am lucky that I am able to work as a CATIA specialist right now. It's really challenging but I enjoy working at all times. Besides the technical work, I translate technical documents from Japanese to English, which is also fun to do. Although I am not going to write about my routine work here, I want to present my English translation on some haiku poems I happened to find in a book. Please enjoy reading all that. I am sure that, by doing it, you might be able to imagine what kind of English I write when I translate. I am doing this also because I am hoping that this trial might be a good practice to better my translation skills on any business documents.
[1. 打ち水] uchi-mizu: spreading of water
"Uchi-mizu" is to spread water during summer to prevent dust to blow off or to make the place look cooler.
People do it specifically in front of a house, a narrow path or a sidewalk.
水打つや森のひぐらし庭に来る (水原秋櫻子)
- as i spread the water
- cicada comes to the yard
- out from the wood
水打ってスーパー開店五分前 (飯田弘子)
- spreading the water out
- 5 minutes are left
- before the store opens
[2. 岩魚(いわな)] iwana: trout
Trout are usually found in clear river streams.
渓流に木洩れ日の揺れる岩魚小屋 (由良つやこ)
- rapid stream of the mountain river
- the sunshine flickers...
- onto a trout's nest
[3. 夏期講習会] kaki koshu-kai: a summer course lecture
黒板の裏の海原夏期講習 (橋本鶏二)
- Beyond the blackboard
- spreads a wide open beach
- a summer course lecture
夏期講座開閉しげき自動ドア (渋川)
midst of a summer course:
there are opening & closing
of an automatic door
[4. 日傘] higasa: a parasol
"Higasa" is an umbrella used as a sunshade especially in summer. At a beach, a beach parasol is used.
空の色 透かし レースの傘開く (木塚とめ子)
- a lace parasol opens
- the azure blue sky
- it's see-through
大型の パラソル広げ 果実売る (関根淑子)
- a large parasol opens
- to start a business
- dealing with fruits
晴天と 一つ色なり 日傘(ひからかさ) (一茶)
- the parasol...
- mingling with
- the blue sky
[5. 夕立] yudachi: sudden rain
Yudachi (sudden shower) is about a rain in summer that suddenly starts & stops shortly. This happens with a thunder & lightening mostly from noon to evening.
驟雨来る肉屋で借りる真っ赤な傘 (初村)
sudden shower in the afternoon
a butcher lends me
a bright red umbrella
[6. 炎天(炎熱)] enten/ en-netsu: the boiling sun
the sky of the hottest time of the year
炎熱や勝利の如き地の明るさ (中村草田男)
- lo, this boiling sun!
- as if a triumph
- the ground's so bright!
[7. 行水(ぎょうずい)] gyozui: to bathe in an outdoor washtub
"Gyozui" means to take a bath in an outdoor washtub (an old Japanese people's behavior not only for little kids but even for adults, regardless of sex). -- It seems like that the Japanese had little hesitation about showing his/her naked body or seeing somebody else's because they are used to going to a public bath or spa.
行水の女に惚れる鴉(からす)かな (高浜虚子)
- a bathing woman outside:
- a crow finds her by chance
- he's drawn closer...!
[8. 日盛り] a hottest summer day (mostly from noon to 3 pm)
ペンキ屋の仕事音なし日の盛り (山口)
- the house painters
- no more noise out there
- a hottest day of summer
日盛りやとぎれがちなるピアノ曲 (福見)
- a hottest day of midsummer
- the piano practice from out somewhere
- goes on and off...
[9. 麦茶] roasted barley tea
Barley tea is a roasted-grain-based tisane made from barley, which makes the japanese people feel at home.
セールスの男二杯の麦茶干す (松尾千代子)
- the sales guy
- drinks the barley tea I served
- two glasses of it
[10. ソーダ水] soda-sui: a soda pop
A drink that is made by mixing syrup and soda water.
ガールフレンド ボーイフレンド ソーダ水 (進)
- a boyfriend
- a girlfriend
- a soda pop
[11. 日焼] sunburn
日に焼けし子の全身で眠りをり (矢口由起枝)
- my kids, sunburned
- are in a nap
- the whole body
児の背丈日焼加えてまた伸びて (山根きぬえ)
- my kid's got bigger
- than ever before
- with the sunburn
[12. サングラス] sunglasses
サングラス はづして 妻に戻りけり (阿部寿雄)
- with the sunglasses off
- my wife is back to herself
見られいることを見ているサングラス (稲畑汀子)
- staring at
- whoever she thinks are staring at her
- it's the sunglasses!
[13. 大暑] taisho: a hottest summer day
山割りて水から没す大暑の陽 (中村草田男)
- dividing the mountain
- the sun submerge itself beyond
- - the hottest day!
[14. 手花火] tehanabi: portable firework
"Tehanabi" is about handy firework for kids to play. It is used by holding it by the hand to light a fire on it.
- portable firework
- the little girl
- secretly troubled by her breast
[15. 終戦記念日] the war-end anniversary
August 15th, 1945. The day when the world war II ended.
暮れ果ててなお鳴く蝉や敗戦日 (石田)
- the day drew in already
- still... cicadas chirp out
- the war-end anniversary
原色のシャツに横文字終戦日 (西尾)
- a flashy shirt
- with alphabets on
- ...war-end anniversary
[16. 冷奴(ひややっこ)] cold tofu
a cold tofu, served on a little plate. Good to taste with soy sauce & spice on it.
二人の膳すぐに整う冷奴 (山根きぬえ)
- only two of us -
- dinner gets ready, so simple
- cold tofu

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