What is a technical translation? In all my years working as a translator (as well as a software engineer), this idea comes to my mind from time to time. Some people say it is easy once you get used to it, while some others say it is not the language skill that matters but a solid knowledge to any specific work field you are (will be) in.
The answer to this question should be as simple as this:
“Catch the ball, know what it is, and pass it to the next guy.”
Any professional translator is responsible for what he or she did. But, unfortunately, it is not the case sometimes. I recently came up with some Japanese-to-English translators who translated everything so wrong. They don’t even seem to know there are problems with it, but are proud to be able to turned in the translated documents earlier than the deadline. “This is it! Look! I did it fast!” It is meaningless to quickly pass along a totally wrong translation. - All 20 or 30 pages of it. I wish I were able to let them know of that. I would give them some advice.
I am not really sure what kind of negative impact it would cause if a translation is so poor. It would be up to how it will be used or who will be reading it. – An illegal pitch will not always make a dead ball. But once you give a dead ball, the problem will be made more explicit and worse, leaving even more negative impact not only to the batter but the fellow players as well as the audience.
When you translate a technical document, you don’t have to write it beautifully. (Of course, it is better if you can write it beautifully.) But it is much better to write it awkwardly but correctly, rather than translate it incorrectly using beautiful sentences. That translation I mentioned earlier was written incorrectly as well as awkwardly. Nothing can be done to it. All we are to do is to pass along any given information correctly to whom it will be delivered. That is one big difference between when you translate a novel and when you translate a technical document. - That’s what technical translation is about.
English-to-Japanese Translation
In Japan, when you hear about translation, most people will think it is an English-to-Japanese translation. In schools they spend most of their times in learning to translate from English to Japanese. Doing it to another direction (from Japanese to English) is not so common. This is because, historically speaking, they basically have been passive toward the western cultures. From ancient times, they would import goods, thoughts or religion from overseas. That is how they have become developed and prospered. Even more than 1,000 years ago, for example, highly-ranked government officials would take the risk of travelling to China across the sea to import foreign materials or thoughts. Buddhism is said to have imported to Japan in 538. The sutras (scriptures), of course, were not written in Japanese, so they needed to be translated into Japanese. Kanji (Chinese character) was imported from China to Japan. - There are currently other forms of characters in Japanese such as Hiragana and Katakana but it came into being through the process of simplification or customization of Kanji (Chinese character).
Import => Translate it into Japanese => Customize
The pattern as shown above has been basically true until recently (or even up until now today). There is a classical anatomy book translated by Sugita Genpaku and other fellows in 1774, and it was a translation from Dutch to Japanese.
After the shogun era (the Edo period) was over in 1867, Japan took off to take the path to the modernization. Politicians adopted British or German concepts, and authors studied European literary works. Learning European ideas or purchasing foreign items was apparently a status symbol.
To summarize, things were imported and then customized according to their needs and taste. I think this “import” can involve “translation” in many ways. It also reminds me of the translation pattern carried out from English to Japanese.
Japanese-to-English Translation
This has seemed to be an "opposite" pattern to those who have believed an “English-to-Japanese” translation to be the "standard." The globalized economy is getting even more tremendous. Like it or not, Japan is facing the urge to shift their paradigm. (The same is true with any other countries.)
Facing the fast growing globalization trend and the necessity to compete with other countries, the traditional “Import => Translate it into Japanese => Customize” pattern is not almighty any more. The translation of the direction has become even much more necessary, and this pattern can be written as below.
“Products, thoughts, ideas (made in Japan) => Export => Translate it into another language”
Although Japan has been said that they are not good at doing all this, this design is nothing new to be performed. They even performed this pattern during the World War II. I personally relate the today’s globalization to the situation of 70 years ago when Japan tried to be extended toward overseas.
It is generally considered that Japan during that war time was not doing things either well or right, but I think that experience will teach us something greatly important to let us think how this country will be successful in the globalized economy.
Now, getting back to the very poor translation, the following are the problems I have found:
1. The translator (and his/her supervisor) will not notice if there is a problem about the translated document or information. (They even think they are doing fairly well.)
2. So they are unable to predict or understand any impact that their translation may cause.
3. This may mislead them to a totally wrong direction, resulting in bad consequences to those who concerned.
I know it is much of a challenge to translate something into another language because it is not your first language. But there is no choice; it is unavoidable. Those translated documents from Japanese to English just reminded me how they were doing during the World War II. I believe, however, we will be made great if these issues are overcome. I want to stick to it.
質の悪い翻訳がどのような悪影響を及ぼすのか、私にはよく分かりません。それは翻訳がどのようにその後使われるのか、または誰がそれを読むのか、によるとは思います。- 暴投したからといって必ずデッドボールになるとは限りません。ただ、実際デッドボールを起こすと、問題はさらに明示的になり、悪い方向に行くでしょう。打者のみならずその仲間や観客にまで影響を及ぼすといったような。
翻訳者がすべきことは、与えられた情報を正しく読み手に渡す、ということです。これが小説の翻訳と技術翻訳との違いかと思います。- 技術翻訳とは、結局そういうものです。
輸入 => 日本語訳 => カスタマイズ
急速に進むグローバル化と他国との競争に際して、従来の”輸入 => 日本語訳 => カスタマイズ”というパターンがすべて、というわけには、もはやいかなくなりました。「逆方向」の翻訳がさらに必要となりました。つまり、下のような形です。
“製品・考え (国産) => 輸出 => 多言語への翻訳”
1. 翻訳者(とその上司)は自分が翻訳したドキュメントや情報の翻訳の質について問題があると気づかない。(むしろ、良くやっていると誤認識する。)
2. よって、その翻訳が引き起こす負の影響を予測することが出来ない。
3. これが完全に誤った方向や結果につながり、関係者に不利益をもたらす。