I liked this You Tube video I watched tonight. This appealed to me so strongly specially because it is understandable that one of the episodes in the video really can happen (although it is rare) where a clerk at cafeteria treats an Asian individual as if he were transparent or invisible. One of the participants shares his experience at around 23:45, where he (Asian American) was ignored by a shop clerk in the restaurant, and another person making a line on his back was served first in the restaurant. Each one has many things to say. The status quo of problem sharing across the border and race reminds me of the current trend of global business.
A.B.Tsunezawa: Japanese-English Bilingual IT/CATIA (3D CAD) Specialist, Technical Translator
Also visit my Twitter page at http://twitter.com/#!/abtsune/
Nov 10, 2012
The 21st Century Drama
I liked this You Tube video I watched tonight. This appealed to me so strongly specially because it is understandable that one of the episodes in the video really can happen (although it is rare) where a clerk at cafeteria treats an Asian individual as if he were transparent or invisible. One of the participants shares his experience at around 23:45, where he (Asian American) was ignored by a shop clerk in the restaurant, and another person making a line on his back was served first in the restaurant. Each one has many things to say. The status quo of problem sharing across the border and race reminds me of the current trend of global business.