Jul 7, 2013

[Independence Day & Fireflies] 独立記念日の蛍


I spent Independence Day 2013 here in Michigan. I like the climate here. It is neither a broiling summer like in Nevada, nor a humid and hot summer in Japan where you feel you can’t breathe. It is hot, but if you drive on 40 or 50 miles per hour and keep the windows open, you will have good air coming inside the vehicle. 


I borrowed a couple of books, CDs, and DVDs at the library. One of the books was a Japanese book “Debris Is Buried Under The Cherry Blossom Tree“ written by Ryu Mutrakami. It is a collection of his essays. Nowadays, when you hear about essays written by a Japanese individual, many are on the stagnated sentiments, indifference, or helplessness prevailing in this country, and (as I imagined) this book also covers those popular (?) topics. I enjoyed reading that, although it was nothing new to me.

この本を読んで思い浮かんだのは、何カ月も前に読んだミスコンテストに関するYahooニュース記事であった。日本代表が入賞したというもので、無数に書き込まれたコメント欄を見ると「おめでとう」といった、褒める反応が見られなかったのが、いつもながら印象に残っていたのだった。なぜか、入賞者に対して批判的、失礼、心ないコメントが非常に多い。US Yahooでミスコンテストの入賞者発表の記事があると、あまり美人でなくても「おめでとう!」といった称賛の声が多い。こういった傾向はネットのみならず日常生活にも顕著で、この辺は文化の違いだな、と思ってきている。どちらが良いとか、悪いとかいう問題ではない。

That book reminded me of one Yahoo Japan news article on a Beauty Contest, where one Japanese female won the competition. Under the article were so many comments, but what impressed me most (this is often the case, though) was there was almost no one who congratulated her on what she had made. Many were fault-finding, rude, or hurting comments. On the other hand, when looking at a US Yahoo news article on a beauty contest, many of the posts will congratulate the winner (unless she is an infamous individual). This phenomenon can be observed quite commonly in their everyday life. I used to say to myself: “It is a cultural difference.” This is not a question of good or bad.


I heard fireworks here and there outside the house at the night of the Independence Day. My family and I went outside, where we saw fireflies on the lawn. We enjoyed seeing them very much.

 じゃんけんで 負けて蛍に 生まれたの

   are you a firefly
    because of losing at rock-paper-scissors?

   i am a firefly
    because of losing at rock-paper-scissors

That instantly reminded me of this Haiku poem I had once read before.
   Jankende/ Makete Hotaruni/ Umaretano
This Haiku was composed based on the belief of reincarnation, which can be translated (interpreted) into 2 ways as the following.

English Translation 1.
   are you a firefly
    because of losing at rock-paper-scissors?

English Translation 2.
  i am a firefly
   because of losing at rock-paper-scissors


This sentimentality inspired by a bug seems typically Japanese or Asian, and I know this is what Japanese themselves often want to mention when explaining about who they are. But they also should apply this careful inspection to other cultures. In America, for example, there is an American sentimentality or inner beauty, which is non-existent and out of their behavior patterns in Japan. The same should be true with Indian, Russian, or Mexican culture.


I am saying this kind of thing because when I read or hear about their status quo in the Japanese language, including this Mr. Murakami's book, everythings seems to be grouped into either of the 2 statements. (1) Japan has been in stagnation and hopelessness, and do not even have a passion to change themselves. (2) Admitting that every country is unique of itself, Japan is the most unique country among all the rest.
Every time I hear these things, especially the latter statement, I begin to have a strange feeling and it keeps remaining in my head to make me feel uneasy.


There are so many delicious snacks and animes in Japan, but it seems there are very few possibilities. Of course, this is something based on the cultural background and it is neither good nor bad. This tendency can work out so great when in a favorable situation. However, this IT or globalization trend seems to have made them a little disadvantageous. In the Showa era, when Japan was setting out for prosperity after the World War II, there was this “all-Japanese-are-middle-class” mentality. This mentality will no longer be existent because I think there will be two distinct classes among them, i.e., those who have been educated, experienced or obtained global perspective and those who haven’t obtained it (including 'appear-to-be internationalized' individuals). Under that circumstance, I am anticipated toward the future of Japan. As of 2013, I feel there are more to be done for Japanese individuals or organizations as well as other Asians. - Asians including Japanese should still be potential resources.