In Michigan, the weather suddenly gets colder from October. The days apparently get shorter. Daylight Saving Time was finished in early November, and then the days got even shorter right after that. Back in early summer, it was bright outside until around 9:30 pm, but now it's already dark by 6 pm. This eventually makes us miss out the chance of running outside. Temperature even gets lower to keep me from getting outside.
I started to increase the running distance when I was in the fitness gym. I ran 3 miles first, and then increased the distance to 4 miles and 5 miles, until finally I was able to set up on 6 miles. I was getting more overtime work those days, and it was difficult to access the fitness gym everyday. Preparation had continued until the last minute.
The sign-in spot was located some 10 minutes' walk from the park. I ran and came back from there with the easy pace I didn't have to sweat, hoping that'd be some good warm up. I was a little worried I might get a cramp in my lower leg if I don't get to do something because of this low temperature. I realized I was not young anymore. (I am in the mid 40s.)
It was getting brighter at the time the race was going to start. I was able to start off quite well myself. 10K was a challenge. It was a challenge to myself during the course of the way. It was kind of interesting to see many folks out there, running different ways.
Another great thing about this event is that it was taking place in Plymouth. I love the place with so many cool or cute houses there. When driving out of town on weekends, I would most likely be around here. It is so much fun for me personally to draw pictures of Plymouth. I enjoy doing it.
Back to the topic of running, I did all my best to get even faster in the last 500 meters. That was what I wanted to do. People would go ahead of me in the middle of the course. But I wanted to get the most of my strength at the last minute. I think I could do that well in the Ekiden race I had joined in the past. One of my coworkers (he has so much experience in running) had advised me to do that. Making that happen let me feel confident in myself. The team saw how good I was, and I am simply happy with that.
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Downtown Area of Kesennuma (Before the 3/11 Tsunami), Near Inawashiro Hospital |
After the race, hanging the participation medal around my neck, my fellows and I went into the tent, and started to eat the bread and chocolate to feel warmer. At around 9:30 we dismissed. Road closure was about to be ended.
Forums & Articles on the Windows10 Freeze Issue:
Many things were mentioned out there concerning the freeze issue, and it seems there are multiple factors to make this problem happen. I wondered that, in my particular case, the issue could be resolved by simply performing disk cleanup. I thought that was it, but the issue kept happening.
I accessed the Event Viewer, and there were numerous error logs to be found.
Having cleared the user profile and then applied Windows10 patches, still the pc freeze persisted.
I reverted back to Windows8 and restored to factory settings. And then I updated to Windows10. This time there has been no freeze anymore.
My mother informed me that her sister (my aunt) had passed away. She had been through a cancer operation about 2 years after the 3.11 tsunami. I remember her saying she was working near the port when the tsunami hit. She and other people there ran up to the top of the commercial building. They stayed there, surrounded by the burning sea all the way. She said it was so burning hot, she would rather want to die right away. Men broke the vending machine there to get the drinks they could live on for another couple of days until they were rescued.
My wife and I saw her the last time in Japan in the summer of 2012. It was the time when nobody (including my aunt herself) knew she had a cancer. She rang the front door bell at my parents' place in Kesennuma. My aunt said she only wanted to say hello to my wife and me.
"Wow, it's been a long while," she said to me.
Seeing my wife, my aunt said, "Oh my goodness, my daughter's here!"
As a business owner, she was too busy on that day to stay there any longer, saying the fishermen on ship was scheduled to be arrived at the port that afternoon. She had to help the unloading business and the people on the ship.
"Take care of yourself, okay? We'll meet again, it's so nice seeing you here!"
After having said this, my aunt handed my wife, as if in secret, an envelope with some money in it, and then went back to her business.
Plymouth 市 の市街地でChocolate Runという長距離走の大会があると同僚から聞き、自分は10キロメートル走の参加を決めた。実はそれまで10キロという距離は走ったことがない。フィットネスジムのランニングマシーンで走るのは2マイル(3.2キロメートル)程度である。外で走るにしても同じことであった。けれども、数か月前にMemorial Day Runで走った5キロメートルよりも走りたい気持ちにもかられた。5キロも楽ではなかったが、10キロも同じかもしれないと考えた。ペースを乱さず走ればいい。そう思って、オンライン応募をした。走った後に甘い物がタダで食える、とか、ウィンドブレーカーが記念品でもらえる、といったことも自分の背中を後押しした。
走りについていえば、最後の500メートルほどは、目いっぱいに走った。 途中遅れていようとも、または、どれだけ人に追い抜かれようとも、ゴール近くでは出来るだけ最後の力を振り絞って走りきりたいと自分は思っている。以前出場した駅伝大会でもそれが実行できた。これは走りに練達している同僚からのアドバイスであった。それができることを知り、自信につながったし、チームのメンバーたちもそういったところを評価してくれ、素直にうれしい。
最後の最後にありったけに力を振り絞れる、というのは、返す返すもうれしいことだ。当日までの体力の調整もさることながら、そもそも基礎的な体調や気力の状態 もファクターになる。だから、そういう努力ができること自体がもったいなくもありがたいことだ。年を取り、自分の体力や体の状態は昔のようではない。これは嫌でも認めないといけない。ただし、それと引き換えに、自分が走れることへの有り難さを実感できるようにはなった。
フリーズの問題についてはいろんなことが語られ、要因は様々のようだけれども、自分の場合は単にDisk Cleanupによってフリーズの発生頻度がしばしおさまったかと一瞬思ったが、やはり問題は変わらず、であった。
Event Viewerをみるとかなりのエラーログが見られる。