I was feeling close to Salinger's works when I was a college student. I was in my early twenties. Although I have a family now today and I cannot spare time to read as many books as I used to, I was such a big reader in those days. I read Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" again and again, until the book had good thumb prints. I was carrying that book no matter where I went. I think I was trying to do away with my stress I had.
Now let me write out my most favorite authors at that time: Haruki Murakami, Jun-nosuke Yoshiyuki, Kenji Nakagami, Yukio Mishima, Naoya Shiga, Jun-ichiro Tanizaki, Motojiro Kajii, Osamu Dazai, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Soseki Natsume, and so on. I used to visit the nearest library so often to read all these great authors’ works, and I still remember it was such a great time for me. What a joy and blissful moment that was to stay there so long and read wonderful books. I let my imagination grow. It was a great luxury.
Back to the topic of Salinger, “The Catcher in the Rye” is still like my best friend. Bitter sweet one at that. For those of you who read that book would have thought that the narrator thinks and acts quite childishly. It is far from making you feel “elevated.” If you have a little kid, you would not let him/her read this book because there are bad words here and there, and that's what's happening in my house.
Is that a vulgar and bad book? – Not at all. It’s opposite. It’s friendly, painful and charming, and it’s even witty and ironical, too.
I was reading some of the reviews at amazon.co.jp and I found that there were some people that said they didn’t really understand it, or they couldn’t get absorbed into it, while other were so passionate to tell how great a book that was. It’s an interesting phenomenon because the opinion gets split into two extremes. The same reaction can be seen at reviews on Yukio Mishima’s “The Golden Pavilion (金閣寺).” Some people (including me) will be so shocked by the author’s great skills of depicting the twisted and obsessed inner self. They have something in common in that the both books are leading the reader to two extremes. Some really don’t feel anything about Mishima’s “The Golden Pavilion.”
I could imagine the author of “The Catcher in the Rye” must have tried to write about the inside himself (even his ugly or embarrassing part of his thoughts or feelings). If that’s so, then there is no wonder that there are two different groups of people – those who madly love it and those who don’t like that at all.
It is just like there are two different cultures. I am pretty sure that even if you explain about how great a book that is for hundreds of millions of times, those who don’t understand the book should not get what you were saying. I am not saying which side is good or bad. I’m talking about what is happening over a single book or anything of the sort.
Really, the Japanese translation by Mr. Takashi Nozaki is awesome. Even some other writers imitate the Japanese title “Rai mugi batake de tsukamaete.” I have seen similar book titles.
Mr. Nozaki’s translation is so amazing. I even think that the original work's spirit went into the translator's mind. I have heard about Yazawa Eikichi fans sometimes copy how he talks, but I think same thing will happen to those who madly love that book.
I’m not going to write about what the book is written about but I like that so much. I recommend that if you became interested in the book. You can be Halden Caulfield if you can’t stand phony stuffs in human community or society and if you think you are young and rebellious. Some girls might think you are “So cute!” and you might become popular among girls.
"The Catcher in the Rye"や"Nine Stories"等で知られる米国人作家J.D.Salingerが1月27日に亡くなりました。享年91歳。
私がサリンジャーの作品に最も親しかったのは大学生の頃で、当時二十代前半の学生でした。今では仕事や家のことに追われ、小説を読むことはめっきり少なくなったのですけれども、あの当時の私は小説ばかり読んでいて、サリンジャーの"The Catcher in the Rye"は私の最も繰り返して読んだ作品でした。本は手垢がつくほど読んでいたのを思い出します。作品を読むことでストレス発散も兼ねていたのでしょうか。
それにしてもThe Catcher in the Ryeは今でも身近に感じてしまう本です。読んだことのある人なら分かるとおり、そんなに高尚な語り口ではありません。小学生ぐらいのお子さんをお持ちの方でしたら、Bad wordがたくさんあるということで読ませないようにと考えることと思います。(我が家がまさにそうなのですが・・・。)
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