Jun 15, 2009

[At a Library in Early Summer] 初夏の図書館にて

So it's early summer now. I am currently living in a small town in Saitama, Japan. I love this season the best of all. I was in a local library, waiting for my family to come back from a dentist. They had gone there for a checkup, and only I wasn't there with them. Around the library are rice fields and there are waterways too, where I enjoy crayfishing with my little girl. It's really a small town. Everything you could catch here is "American" crayfish. Not a single "Japanese" one is out there anymore, which used to be the majority a long time ago. It reminds me of foreign companies that come into a Japanese market to give some influence. That's what the globalization is all about. At least on the globalization of the humans, I personally want to welcome that phenomenon as new idea to come into being. That's what might give me opportunities, which brings me hope.

The temperature reached almost to 30 degrees C on that day and it was very humid, too. I was wearing my T-shirt and jeans, and I was sitting on a chair to read a book on computer networking. The windows are open and the humid air stays there restfully, when I started to fall into a sleep in the quiet library of the early summer. As I woke up, I found myself that I had been asleep. I then started to walk along the shelves slowly to pick up some books that interested me. I was very much impressed by the sunlight that came into the quiet public space out of the transparent window, showing an azure sky. The humid air and the lazy feelings of that place made me more nostalgic. I somehow have this special feeling toward the early summer in Japan. If you look at the mountains, you could see thick green leaves that cover up the whole mountains to give out a great vitality. I have a feeling sometimes that they are growing rapidly everywhere as I look closer to those thick green mountains under the bright and deep summer sky. I also love walking along an avenue, on either side of which are early summer trees, creating huge shades on the street, while the dazzling sunlight reflects here and there on the leaves, and it moves with the breeze of air, which gives me a great deal of enjoyment of life.

About 2 months and a half have passed since I have been out of CATIA work. I miss that so much. I am currently out of project, having nothing to do specifically except that I do some translations or teach myself about computer networking in order to pass an IT exam.

I am so thankful that I was given this opportunity to attend a meeting of CATIA project work on mold & die designing process. I am also grateful for the opportunity that was able to I attend that forum, JCF 2009 so I became knowledgeable about CATIA V6 and how different it is from V5. It seemed like it is not meant just to create 3D models but manage the whole process. From purchasing to CAM process. I might be wrong but this is what I could understand about V6 during the JCF 2009 sessions.




JCF2009というフォーラムを通じて、CATIAの目指すものを学ぶことができましたのは、私にとってありがたい経験でした。CATIA V6という言葉があって、CATIAはCADに特化したものではなく、業務全体を管理するツールという印象を受けました。あまり正しくないかもしれないですが、そういった印象を受けてきたのでした。

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