Feb 28, 2015

[Essay-In-Idleness Concerning the Systems] システムについての徒然草

For the past several years, I have been daydreaming of how I can improve the translation process for business documents. However there is not much progress. I want to excuse myself by saying I was too busy to get to work on that. Out in the real world, I have heard of some companies that are researching and developing self-driving cars, and I had a chance to see one the other day. That was very interesting.

Thinking of  self-driving cars reminds me of this short story, “Non-Human Police”, which I purchased when I lived in Japan. This story is included in the paperback book, titled “The Crowded Future”. The book is almost like a classic which was published in 1972. A police officer of near future (it turns out to be a robot) appears in the story like this.

  • ‘At the street corner, I found a police officer standing there, and he was apparently leaning against the tree on the roadside. He is a robot, of course. Not only he is equipped with a small electronic brain, but he has the functions of such as a speed meter, alcohol detection, and brainwave test. This police robot is capable of discovering traffic violations of drivers but nothing else, because there are almost no pedestrians out there. Speed meter is used to find out the speed violation, and alcohol detection the intoxicated drivers. The robot is also capable of detecting the brainwave not to allow a driver to have an epileptic stroke while driving. Anyone emitting abnormal brainwave will be taken to a hospital before any stroke will take place.’

In 1993, when this short story was to be adopted to a Japanese-class high school textbook, the Japan Epilepsy Association accused of this description because it would generate a discrimination toward epileptic patients. I still remember seeing a couple of people from the organization accusing in front of mics on TV. I was a student back then. Discussion seems to have carried out between the two parties but they split up. The author declared he would stop writing anything publicly, and now this story is unavailable as a new book (as far as I can see in the Japanese Amazon website).

Advancement of the information technology and systems is so great. Issues that had been covered up can be now easily uncovered. Back in the days, even if you found a cockroach in your food (instant noodle cup, for example), the store or vendor used to hide it skillfully. But now we are in the Internet age. Consumers will put photos on his Twitter page and they will be viewed by the public right away. The photos can instantly be duplicated or retweeted to all over the places in the world across the Internet.

As the system becomes highly developed and is categorized into many smaller fields, grasping the whole situation will become more difficult, meaning it is a great challenge to make changes, manage, or fix the system. Any system cannot go without troubles, however it is often not easy to quickly grasp the conditions and take countermeasures to the issue. In the SF novels I read as a kid, the story would end up in a situation where humans will be controlled by robots or systems. I think it was an anime produced by Osamu Tezuka, but I vividly remember there was one scene where robots once used by humans learn to use the humans to force them to do the line work in the factory. That was a brilliant image to my eyes, although I watched it just one time a few decades ago.

Advancement of computer systems will require more communication skills between individuals than ever before. Without effective communications between individuals or groups, issues can be overlooked, causing even bigger problems. I have an impression that problems have become to look more serious and difficult to handle once they occurred, and the affected area can be larger. Think of the nuclear power plants in Fukushima. It is no longer an issue that will be resolved or handled by individual’s technical skills or effort. Modernization has allowed individuals to have more privacy. Eventually the bondage of humans has become weaker, and it apparently shows that the lack of communication will be one big factor that causes more massive and disastrous issues. It is not a question of how smart or how much capable the person is as an element or component, but it is how the person can cooperate with others and make it work across the entire network. I guess that is what makes the 21st century look different from the 20st century, i.e. highly automated systems and highly communicative individuals across the huge and complicated virtual systems.



  •  「四つ辻まで来て、わたしはふと、町かどの街路樹にもたれるようにして立っている交通巡査に目をとめた。もちろん、ロボットである。小型の電子頭脳のほかに、速度検査機、アルコール摂取量探知機、脳波測定機なども内蔵している。歩行者がほとんどないから、この巡査ロボットは、車の交通違反を発見する機能だけをそなえてる。速度検査機は速度違反、アルコール摂取量探知機は飲酒運転を取り締まるための装置だ。また、テンカンを起こすおそれのある者が運転していると危険だから、脳波測定機で運転者の脳波を検査する。異常波を出している者は、発作を起こす前に病院へ収容されるのである」




    コンピュータ・システムが複雑化するということは、人間どうしのコミュニケーションが今以上に必要になることと並行していると思う。人間どうし、グループ間のコミュニケーションがうまく機能しないために問題が見落とされ、さらに大きな問題に発展する可能性が付きまとう。問題は大規模化、深刻化し、対処も難しくなった印象を受ける。福島の原子力発電の問題など、個人レベルの技術力で食い止められる問題ではないはず。文明の発展により個人の自由は得られたが、人間どうしの関係が希薄になった。今度はそれによるコミュニケーションの欠如こそが大問題や大災害の一大要因になった。部品としての個人の出来の良さはそれほど意味をなさない。むしろ、人と人とのつながりをどう生かすかで初めて人間は意味をなす。そのことが強調されるのが、20世紀と21世紀の違いになるのかもしれない。― つまりは、高度な自動化の実現と、広範囲で複雑な仮想システム全体での高度なコミュニケーション能力の発揮が象徴的になるのかと思う。

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